Adventures in brine

A blog about code, beer, and bread.

In the name of Gulp

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TL;DR: Use Gulp 4 if you care about task management. If you can't use Gulp 4, use Gulp 3 with 'runSequence'. Also, I need to start reading documentation more and assuming less.

NOTE: You see the code over at Github.

The release of Gulp 4 is right around the corner, but you can already use it on the 4.0 branch. Here is why you should.

Comics: The DRM effect

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When I transitioned from paper to digital, I didn't just reclaim floor space in my loft, I picked up a more eclectic taste in reading material as well. For the most part, I suspect happenstance of maturity in tastes and storage reclamation. One factor, that at least in part, can be attributed to my personal comic book renaissance, is DRM. Which is funny, because I bloody hate DRM.

localForage for cross-platform storage

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TL;DR: You should be using localForage for all your web based local storage needs. It's wonderful.

Storage in general is a bit of a tricky one in hybrid development. There are three main types of storage (excluding bespoke implementations and filesystem) you potentially have access to in a web based development:

Page Attributes in Perch

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Page Attributes allow you to add editable content at the page level, rather than on a content level. The syntax is almost identical to that of a standard content region. Below is an extract of perch/templates/pages/attributes/seo.html:

<perch:pages id="description" label="Description" type="textarea" size="xs" escape="true" count="chars" />

The problem with web comics

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That's right, I'm going to have quick whinge about web comics. You know, comics of (more often than not) an incredibly high quality, provided for free by their talented creators. It seems like an entirely justifiable premise doesn't it? Well, maybe... Let's give it a go and see where we end up.

Helpers as Partial Controllers

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This is the first of what I expect will be a series of posts, about revelations that are entirely obvious in hindsight, but whose simplicity had eluded me for so long.

I came to Rails from ASP.NET MVC (have I told you about my book), as part of a three pronged transition:

  1. Microsoft stack > Open source stack
  2. IDE (VS2010) > Smart text editor (TextMate at the time, now Sublime Text 3)
  3. Windows PC > Mac

Casual gaming

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To say I am a casual gamer is probably overstating my position, but I do like a bit of inflight entertainment during a "comfort break". This is a list of games I enjoy playing on the iPhone.

Shutting the world out

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There is never enough time. Last year in particular, it always felt like there wasn't enough time in the day. Running a company, where your work is also the primary source of income, is no easy task. I was always looking for ways of squeezing more hours out of day; tweaking processes, finding better tools, writing scripts. It's become a bit of an obsession for me, finding "better" ways to get more stuff done. I was pretty good at it, I think I still am. But as the end of last year drew in, it became clear that I was spreading myself too thin.

RailsInstaller (Ruby 2.1) on Windows 8.1

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I've recently had to get Rails and Capistrano up and running on a Windows 8.1 machine. These are the problems I encountered and how I fixed them. All issues were encountered after trying to run an existing Rails 4 project.