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Controlling Cordova from Gulp

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It's a story as old as time. Girl meets boy, boy has an annoying two step build process, spread across two directories. Of course I'm talking about having an awesome Gulp workflow, with a Cordova project clumsily tacked on the side. Well, no more, now you can integrate Cordova! into Gulp! Yay!

NOTE:You see the code over at Github.

Let's discuss the problem first. Until recently, Gulp and Cordova were two separate Node based, command line powered worlds to me, with seemingly nothing in common. In the given scenario, I'd typically have a two directory structure:

app                <-- Source files for the project
cordova            <-- Cordova root directory
    - www        <-- Cordova app directory

Gulp would take care of transpiling the code in the app directory and transferring the spoils to cordova/www. Cordova is then responsible for building the Cordova project and delivering the app to an emulator. Something like:

cd ./cordova
cordova emulate
cd ../

Before switching to Gulp, I used to use Middleman for a lot of the transpiling tasks, where I'd maintain a number of bash scripts to create the illusion of cohesion. It didn't feel right when I switched to Gulp though. There must be some similarity between these disparate Node based, command line tools. What was I missing?

You know what I realised? That Gulp is based on Node and so is Cordova; so I can probably access Cordova directly from within my Gulp task. It's never going to be that easy, is it?

Well, it'll be a disappointment if it wasn't that easy. So long story short, it almost is. To demonstrate, I'm going to cook up a quick project, to demonstrate the integration:

npm init
touch gulpfile.js
npm install -g cordova gulp ios-deploy
npm install --save-dev gulp cordova-lib del
cordova create ./cordova me.k3r.cordgulp CordovaGulp

Accept all the defaults on npm install, if you're not sure how to answer. All it does is create your package.json and settings can be easily changed at any time.

The -g means install globally, and the --save-dev will save the packages as development dependancies within the package.json. Have a look, you'll see what I mean.

ios-deploy is neat if you're on a Mac and want to deploy from script or command line to iOS.

The last line scaffolds a basic Cordova project.

Paste in the following to your newly created gulpfile.js, but don't run anything yet!

var gulp = require('gulp')
    del = require('del'),
    cordova = require('cordova-lib').cordova.raw;

var APP_PATH = './app',
    CORDOVA_PATH = './cordova/www';

gulp.task('del-cordova', function(cb) {
    del([ CORDOVA_PATH + '/*' ])
        .then(function() {

gulp.task('compile', [ 'del-cordova' ], function(cb) {
    return gulp.src([ APP_PATH + '/**/*' ])

gulp.task('build', [ 'compile' ], function(cb) {
    process.chdir(__dirname + '/cordova');
        .then(function() {

gulp.task('emulate', [ 'compile' ], function(cb) {
    process.chdir(__dirname + '/cordova');
        .run({ platforms: [ 'ios' ] })
        .then(function() {

If you ran anything at the point, you'd replace the default Cordova www directory with that stark emptiness of your nonexistent app directory. Remedy that with the following, which moves the contents of cordova/www to app.

mv ./cordova/www ./app

You now have the almost complete example. If you type in gulp compile, cordova/www will be recreated with the contents of app. Nothing else is going on here at the moment, but think of the possibilities.

We haven't quite finished yet. Type in the following, to add iOS and/or Android as platforms to your new project.

cd cordova
cordova platform add ios
cd ../

While you're in the cordova directory, you could have also run cordova build or cordova emulate ios, but that's for losers.

Within in the project root, run either of these bad boys:

gulp build
gulp emulate

That's right, one command to rule them all. gulp emulate transpiles the code, moves it to cordova/www then kicks off the Cordova build and emulate commands.

"But how does this sorcery work?" I hear you cry. Cordova developers will mostly recognise Cordova's NPM package as a command line tool, but as such a package, we should also be able to require it within a Node script (or in this case, Gulp). The reference here, cordova = require('cordova-lib').cordova.raw, provides access to the Cordova's underlying API, exposing stuff like build and emulate.

It's not all unicorns mind; the API has auto-detection routine in place that works out the project's root directory. This only works however, if you're within Cordova's project structure. I'm positive this can be overcome by 'cleaner' methods of API abstraction, but for the moment I've circumvented the issue by introducing two calls to process.chdir. chdir changes the working directory of running script. The second call resets the directory, for the purposes of possible task chaining.

See here:

gulp.task('emulate', [ 'compile' ], function(cb) {
    process.chdir(__dirname + '/cordova');
        .run({ platforms: [ 'ios' ] })
        .then(function() {
  1. We change the directory.
  2. We call run. emulate is an alias for run.
  3. When the run process completes, the directory is reset.

So there you have it, in a single Gulp command you can, transpile, populate, build and emulate. For me, this little nugget has sped up my workflow, and has made the build task more approachable to other developers working on the project.

UPDATE 13/04/2015: Updated example to use latest del syntax.
